How to Reduce Costs and Increase Security with CCTV Monitoring

Here at Churchill Support Services, we believe that no business should go without security. Without the right security precautions, your business is essentially defenceless… and an attractive target to criminals.

It’s not enough just to lock your doors and windows at night. You need more security to deter criminals. According to a study carried out by Co-op Insurance, around 50% of former burglars said most thieves were opportunistic and would avoid difficult break-ins that were likely to attract attention.

Despite this, many businesses can be put off by the cost of security. However, there is a wide range of lower-cost, off-site security solutions available to help protect businesses across the country.

CCTV monitoring is a perfect example of this. In this blog, we’ll be examining how CCTV can help to provide security and peace of mind, whilst keeping the added costs to your business down.


What is CCTV?

With around 5.2 million CCTV cameras across the country, it’s safe to say the UK is a highly monitored country. But what actually is it? CCTV or closed-circuit television is a type of video surveillance commonly used by businesses or homeowners to protect a property or area. CCTV cameras record footage and transmit a live video to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors.

Unlike broadcast television, the signal is not openly transmitted, ensuring the footage remains private. These days, most CCTV systems are cloud-based. This means security staff and business owners can access their CCTV footage from anywhere, even on their phones!


How is CCTV Installed?

There are many different types of cameras and systems available on the market. Some will require wiring, others will be wireless. For a permanent solution, it’s better to mount cameras on your building. For a temporary solution, a pole or secure ‘pod’ can be used.

How your CCTV is installed will depend on all these factors and more. We’d always recommend a professional installation; your security provider will be able to recommend the best type of system for your property, as well as maximise camera coverage. They will also ensure your system is working as it should and provide maintenance if issues arise.


Is CCTV Effective?

All in all, research collated by the college of policing found that CCTV reduces crime overall. Indeed, studies indicate that there was around 13% less crime in areas with CCTV cameras versus areas without.

The presence of CCTV cameras was also found to be effective for different types of crime. The analysis found that drug-related crimes decreased by 20% and vehicle and property crime by 14% in places that had CCTV compared to those without.


Can CCTV Be Used as Evidence?

In short, yes! No one wants to become a victim of crime. But if your business does get burgled or vandalised, your CCTV system could provide key evidence to bring those criminals to justice. You or your security provider can pass on the security footage to the police to assist with their investigation.

Depending on the quality, your footage could help to both track down and convict the people that targeted your business. It could also help to provide evidence to your insurance provider to support your claim.


How Much Does CCTV Cost?

The cost of a CCTV system will vary. Every property and site will be different and will therefore have different security requirements. To find out the cost for your business, you’ll probably need to engage with a CCTV provider to get a rough quote. They’ll take into consideration the type and number of cameras, as well as the time and effort it will take to install your system.

Businesses shouldn’t be put off by the installation cost, however. In the long run, CCTV systems could help to save your business money, through theft prevention or in more indirect ways. Check the section ‘Can CCTV Save My Business Money?’ for more ways CCTV can save you money.


What is CCTV Monitoring?

Whilst CCTV cameras could be enough to deter some criminals, there’s no guarantee that your property won’t be a target. Some intruders may chance it, disguising themselves with masks to prevent identification. And when it comes to stopping crimes as they’re happening, CCTV alone isn’t enough.

Turn your CCTV system from a passive to an active security solution by adding a monitoring service. CCTV monitoring is when a security company monitors live camera footage from screens either on or off-site. Whether you opt for 24/7 monitoring or just nights and weekends, a CCTV monitoring service ensures you have an extra pair of eyes on your site when you need it.

Trained CCTV operatives will monitor your live footage for any suspicious or criminal activity. If any intruders are detected, the CCTV operatives can launch a response or liaise with the police to ensure the criminals are dealt with.


Can CCTV Monitoring Reduce the Cost of My On-Site Security?

With a thorough CCTV system installed across your site or property, you could reduce the number of on-site security guards needed to protect your property. Rather than deploying multiple patrols across your business, you could simply have one on-site guard monitoring your camera system.

If any intruders are detected, you’ll have peace of mind that professionals will be on hand to immediately respond to threats, as well as inform the police. Pairing CCTV with an on-site guard can reduce the cost of your security solution, whilst ensuring you still receive a prompt and effective security response to criminal activity.


Can CCTV Save My Business Money?

Besides potentially reducing the cost of your on-site security, having the right CCTV system could also help your business save money in other ways. This could include:

Prevent employee theft

Employee theft costs UK businesses around £190 million a year. By installing CCTV in your retail business, you can help to deter employee theft and save your business money. It’s important to be aware of legislation here- a Spanish supermarket was successfully sued by employees for installing hidden cameras to detect theft. As a general rule, you should always signpost when CCTV cameras are present.

 Protect against liability claims

As well as providing vital evidence for crimes, CCTV could also protect your business against public liability claims. It’s no secret that sometimes people will make a false claim to benefit financially. Without evidence, your business could be forced to pay out for something that wasn’t your fault or simply didn’t happen. Having CCTV across your business could provide the evidence you need to protect yourself and your business from false claims.

 Reduce Insurance costs

Sometimes, having the right security measures in place can help to reduce your business insurance. It’s important to note that this isn’t a guaranteed saving; it will depend on your insurance provider and their requirements. Taking reasonable steps to protect your business, especially in high-crime areas, can be rewarded by insurers with lower premiums.

 Where can I find CCTV services?

If you want to install CCTV across your business, you’ll first need to find a CCTV supplier. Most security providers, such as Churchill Support Services, will be able to offer an initial assessment, installation, monitoring and maintenance.

At a minimum, you should always look for SIA licensed companies. Looking at a company’s ACS pacesetters ranking can also give you a clue about the quality of the company. Churchill Support Services, for example, is ranked in the top 1% of all SIA licensed providers.


Why Choose CCTV From Churchill Support Services?

Here at Churchill Support Services, we understand that you have a choice of security supplier. Here are three reasons why we think you should choose us:

A Range of CCTV Solutions

Here at Churchill Support Services, we have a range of CCTV solutions to suit a variety of needs. Whether you’re looking for permanent CCTV for a property or temporary surveillance for a construction site, we have the camera systems you need to protect your business.

24/7 Monitoring Available

Sometimes, CCTV cameras alone aren’t enough. To ensure your property, people and assets are protected, we can also offer a 24/7 monitoring service. Our highly trained CCTV operatives will monitor live footage for suspicious activity and respond appropriately.

SIA Licensed, Highly Trained

In order to carry out some key aspects of CCTV surveillance, you may need an SIA licence. At Churchill Support Services, we ensure that all our guards and officers have a valid SIA licence and are vetted for a minimum of 5 years. With Churchill on the case, you’ll have peace of mind that your property is in the best possible hands.


Churchill Support Services is a leading cross-industry corporate services company, supplying professional and comprehensive security solutions and electronic systems to businesses across the UK.

To find out more about how Churchill Support Services can support your business and its operations, get in touch with us today.


John Melling

Group Chief Executive Officer

John has a proven track record for motivating and leading high performance teams and has helped mentor and develop many people at Churchill who now hold key or senior positions within the business. John is committed to delivering only the finest services, exercising compelling leadership, maintaining good internal morale and striving to resolve any challenges efficiently and effectively.